I’ve been tagged by Stephanie of the very elegant Elegant Sufficiency for a meme – 7 Random Facts. It’s my first, so let’s see what little nuggets of information I can give you…
1. My hair colour has changed dramatically over the years – I’ve been dyeing it since I was fourteen. It’s been fire-engine red; a deep but bright hot pink (my favourite); black; bleached to a startling white and streaked with blue. Last year I finally stopped. Now it’s grey.
2. I do a mean impression of the Mother Superior from the Sound of Music. My ‘Climb Every Mountain’ is legendary and full of nun-like warbles and crescendos.
3. Though I love music, complete silence is often better.
4. I once asked art critic Robert Hughes at a
5. I’m obsessed with birds, crows in particular. Drawing them, collecting them, dreaming about them. The bigger and blacker they are, the more I love them. My heart leaps when I hear the magpies calling out to one another. Here’s a couple of big charcoal drawings from a year or two ago - one at the top, another below.

bird #3
6. Though
7. I catch myself talking to the dog. A lot.
By the way, you should read Stephanie’s mammoth 100th post – she’s running a competition to celebrate with a wonderful prize, though you only have until the 20th of May to enter. Better get cracking.
Lucy, I didn't know you could draw! I didn't know you loved crows, either! We HAVE to talk.
A fascinating collection of info! I particularly identified with point 3: it took me quite a long time to convince Michael that when he asked me what I would like to listen to, "nothing" was as valid a choice as anything from his vast CD collection. :-)
Ah, Susan, I tend to keep the drawing thing rather quiet. It doesn't happen frequently enough for me to be able to say I'm an artist, but that's what my University qualification is.
Thus I worked in book shops for years! Crows? You too?!
Cindy - 'Nothing', as you say, is by far the best listening to be had. Followed closely by magpies warbling away in the tree tops, of course.
Gorgeous drawings: you should definitely do more, and include more in your blog....
Thanks Stephanie. I know I should and, looking back at these, I think there's room for some sketches and still lives here and there in these pages.
Was quite an enjoyable exercise!
Hi lucy - love your drawings - I think charcoal is so lovely the way it gives lots of texture and shadows. Sort of like the interesting texture that the facts give isn't it?
Thanks for passing the baton on - I thought I'd let you know I have blogged my list and passed it on again.
Love the birds. How are you with eagles. Do you know that the creator spirit in Aboriginal spirituality for this part of the world is Bunjil the Eagle who is always pictured accompanied by two Australian Ravens.
Blessings and bliss and thank you for dropping on by my blog - what wine would you recommend with Mrs Beaton?
Ta, Joahnna. I can't wait to see what you come up with!
Miss Eagle, I had no idea. No wonder Melbourne feels like my 'spiritual' home. That gives me a really good idea. Eagles? Love 'em. Your blog is rather tops - glad to have found it.
Wine for Mrs Beeton? Mmmm. Am loving Pinot Gris at the moment (drank quite a bit, though nowhere near enough to embarass myself, when I was in New Zealand recently).
Lucy, I agree with Stephanie, you should include more of your drawings in your blog. I would love to see more and so too I'm sure would many people.
Very insightful meme :)
Cynthia, lovely Cynthia, thank you. I see that you've been tagged by Susan for this very meme. Can't wait to see what you reveal!
I can't resist adding my comments to Miss Lucy's about Aboriginal traditions in Melbourne. I went on a Koori Heritage Walk recently and was told that the ravens (or I thought they were crows - are they the same - I am not very good with knowing my birds???) were seen as protective creatures by the Kooris - quite a nice thought!
I'm with you Johanna. I've never believed them to be anything but protective creatures and they've always loomed large in my life - some people are terrified of birds and I cannot think why.
That walk sounds great. Gonna look into it this weekend.
The walk was run by the Koorie Heritage Trust (on King St in the city) and I would recommend it. The guide was really positive and inclusive. We did one by the Yarra but apparently there are other walks.
I talk to my dog too.
More than most people would ever believe.
nice drawings , i draw crows too, i love birds!
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