Saturday, March 31, 2007

Brussels sprouts

Who'd have thought you could eat half a kilo of Brussels sprouts for lunch?

All by yourself...


Cindy said...

That looks like a pretty tasty way to do it!

Freya said...

The Brussels look delicious served this way! Much better than plain old boiled ones!

Lucy said...

Cindy - it's great. I'll post the recipe when I get my act together, though there is an embarassing amount of cream.

Freya and Paul - a boiled sprout turns my stomach (the stench!). These braised ones are unbelievably good.

paul kennedy said...

Looks great. Apparently the Belgians cook them three times to improve them. I love them any way.

Lucy said...

Three times!

I love them too kitchenhand.

Wendy said...

A friend of mine has a Brussels sprouts eating competition (with himself) every chrismas day. His record is 83.

Lucy said...

That's a dedicated Brussels sprouts man Wendy. Frankly, it's a scary record. Bloody hell?!? ;)